Saturday, April 24, 2010


We hope everyone is enjoying this fabulous SPRING! The trees and flowers in Hillsboro are beautiful. Please join us in welcoming all your new neighbors as they move into their new homes. We are excited about all our newcomers and we will have several more coming in May.

If you haven't been on the trail system yet, now is the time. With the tunnel complete under Hwy 52, it's a wonderful walk or bike ride. The trees and wild flowers are in full bloom. TAKE TIME TO ENJOY before the summer heat gets here!

Friday, February 19, 2010


The city of Helena and U.S. Steel opened a portion of Hillsboro Parkway on Thursday, with hopes the new road will relieve congestion and stimulate growth in the area.

A portion of the 2.5 mile parkway, from County Road 52 to County Road 91 in Northern Shelby County, is complete and the remainder is under construction, scheduled to open soon, said a news release.

The roadway project is a nearly $10 million public-private partnership between Helena and U.S. Steel and consists of two-, three- and four-lane sections, multi-use trails and a tunnel between U.S. Steel’s Hillsboro subdivision and the new Helena Middle School. The new road also will offer alternative access to the school.

“Hillsboro Parkway gives the public better access to the middle school and will help with congestion at the Hwy. 17, Hwy. 52 and Hwy. 261 intersection,” said Helena Mayor Sonny Penhale. “The parkway was funded by U.S. Steel – something the city would have been unable to accomplish by itself. The construction of the parkway will drive commercial development in the future and will add revenue to the city.”

Friday, February 12, 2010

Here We Snow Again!

The snow is beautiful! Hillsboro looks like a charming Charles Dickens village. The neighbors are taking pictures, trying to make snowmen, but not enough snow yet to go sledding. You can come be a part of the fun and join in with the snowball fights at Hillsboro. Come by and see us soon.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Holiday contest!

Right off the hills of our community covered dish dinner for Thanksgiving, Hillsboro was lite up for the holidays in December with our first annual Christmas Decoration contest. The residents of Hillsboro really got into it this year with some heavy competition. We had a first, second and third place prizes and signs were placed in the winners yard. Three faculty members from Helena Elementary School were the judges. They said it was a tough job to pick only three winners from all who decorated. There is always something fun going on in our neighborhood.